20 March 2009

Boy George

Beauty Icon by Laird Borrelli-Persson

Style.com profiles Boy George - New Romantic poster boy - as they continue to dispatch reports on the ubiquitous eighties revival seen on the runways this past season.

"As it turns out, the crooner has an affinity for the kind of nostalgic escapism fashion gave into this season. "It's ironic," he told Rolling Stone way back in 2000, "that if you go back to Thatcherism and Reaganism, a lot of cool things happened during that decade. A lot of sexual attitudes were loosened up a bit, and we had some interesting music. So sometimes, within these right-wing climates, you have an artistic reaction." What the runways proved for Fall is that a financial crisis breeds a similar inventiveness. Call it karma." [Style.com]

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